Whaats Cooking?
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Personal testimony from founder… 

The creation of Joi’s Moringa Sweet Tea has been a labor of love!  I have truly enjoyed hearing the stories from my customers on how the tea has changed their lives!  The increased energy is what I hear about most.  The energy increase is such that drinking too much late at night has led to some people having trouble going to sleep.  I enjoy a glass over ice at lunch, to give me that extra boost to take me through the day. All this comes naturally from Moringa.  This drink is great for the busy mom, the sports enthusiasts, the studying student, someone looking to lose weight, and all those who like a combination of taste and health benefits.  I look forward to creating more flavors and different herb blends to brighten your taste buds and your day!

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Welcome to Whaat’s Cooking!  My name is Joi and I am the founder and CEO.  I am so excited about the journey we are on to create delicious offerings and comfort food favorites that all have a healthy twists.  But first, let me tell you a little bit about how we got here!

I was born in Los Angeles during the peak of civil unrest and behold, history has repeated itself! Although the time was difficult, my parents who were born in the 1920’s, who had overcome all kinds of injustice an unfairness, taught me some very important lessons.  1)  That with God and love you can accomplish anything.  2)  That you can take what hurts you and use it as a stepping stone to catapult you into what heals you.  And last but not least, helping others is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself!  

My mom taught me that Soul Food was made out of what was discarded from the Slave Owners. She says, “It’s in your genes to make something out of nothing!, As long as it is made with love, it will taste good and feed your soul”.  That has stuck with me my entire life and bring that philosophy to my cooking.

I can remember as a teen hearing my Father complain about the bland diet and restrictive measures that his doctor wanted him to adopt.  He said that it is not worth being healthy if he has to give up everything he loves. Unfortunately, because of these choices, I lost my dad one night, (right after Thanksgiving dinner) to a heart attack.  From that night forward, I was determined to find a way to make the foods we love with a healthy twists.

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I started experimenting with different recipes for several years and working with seniors to show them healthy alternatives and new ways to look at what we put in our bodies. Once I saw the improvements they experienced and heard all of the positive feedback, I knew we had to share it with everyone. 

The first product is Joi’s Moringa Sweet Tea Blend.  It is a luxury tea brand that offers great taste, low calories, sugar-free, refreshing and energizing properties.  That’s just the beginning.  The organic ingredients incorporated into the tea have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes.  I encourage you to research the ingredients and decide for yourself.  I am sure that once you do that, you will agree that this tea is like no other and a “must have” for your pantry!

I look forward to creating more items that will not only satisfy your taste buds but also benefit your body!  So remember to keep checking the website because you never know Whaat’s Cooking!


Meet moringa oleifera. In its native India and Nepal, it's known as "drumstick tree," "miracle tree," and "tree of life"; today it's also grown in Africa, Latin America, and Asia and also goes by the "horseradish tree." 

Are There Health Benefits?

Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calciumprotein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle.

It's also packed with antioxidants, substances that can protect cells from damage and may boost your immune system. There's some evidence that some of these antioxidants can also lower blood pressure and reduce fat in the blood and body.

Moringa contains many healthful compounds such as:

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